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Cozy Tunnel Home

All lyrics written by Stephanie Gummelt.

I only engage in you

when I wanna be held

when I wanna be quieted 

I seem to tune into you

when I'm desperate to be enveloped 

in heartache, delighted

lullabies are all the time

when I sacrifice my fear

I'm tired of judging what you do

when it's me who's unclear

daydreaming that I'm where I'd like to be

that I don't get jealous cuz I thank God I am me

pretending that I don't need to be loved 

and love in return

that I'm whole in my cozy tunnel home

I'm thinking I'll get to you

when the sun glazes over my view 

in the right way 

I'll feel my soul elevate 

in an age old of a state

but your hands are warm and true 

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